Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act H.R. 2037

The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307) will help reduce America’s carbon pollution to net zero by 2050. It puts a fee on carbon pollution, creating a level playing field for clean energy. The money collected from fossil fuel companies goes to Americans in the form of a monthly ‘carbon cash back’ payment so that everyone can afford the transition. This policy will reduce USA carbon pollution by 50% in only EIGHT by 2030, putting us on track to reach net zero by 2050.

The money collected from the carbon fee is free money allocated in equal shares every month to the American people to spend with no restrictions. Program administrative costs are paid from the fees collected. The government does not keep any of the money from the carbon fee. The money will offset the cost of higher energy prices for heat, electric and others. When consumers use less energy, then the money still arrives.

Try this “Personal Carbon Dividend Calculator Estimator where you can figure your monthly financial impact from the Energy Innovation Act, based on your household and lifestyle factors. Get Started Based on my oil heat home my free income would be $16/month

From 2018-2020  the 45th President failed to make any progress addressing Climate Change in the USA.  The agenda of denial and greed  by the 115th  Congress caused USA emmissions to rise, and years of opportunity to be lost. 

H.R. 7173  Introduced  in the USA 115th Congress House of Representatives on November 27, 2018 

“To create a Carbon Dividend Trust Fund for the American people in order to encourage market-driven innovation of clean energy technologies and market efficiencies which will reduce harmful pollution and leave a healthier, more stable, and more prosperous nation for future generations.”

Complete Text: H.R.7173 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)

How does it work?

  1. Carbon Fee

    This policy puts a fee on fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. It starts low, and grows over time. It will drive down carbon pollution because energy companies, industries, and consumers will move toward cleaner, cheaper options.

  2. Carbon Dividend

    The money collected from the carbon fee is allocated in equal shares every month to the American people to spend as they see fit. Program costs are paid from the fees collected. The government does not keep any of the money from the carbon fee.

  3. Border Carbon Adjustment

    To protect U.S. manufacturers and jobs, imported goods will be assessed a border carbon adjustment, and goods exported from the United States will receive a refund under this policy.

  4. Regulatory Adjustment

    This policy prevents additional regulations on covered CO2 emissions, as long as emission targets are being met. If emission targets are not met after 10 years, then EPA regulatory authority over these emissions would be restored. Regulations based on other pollutants will not be affected, nor will regulations such as auto mileage standards, water quality and more.

  5. The Primary Directive of Earthlobbyist is to meet people who deny climate change so we can talk with them about their beliefs, where they live and vote.